Rooted in Transformation: My Fourth Dieta and the Continued Path of Feminine Healing – PART ONE

The past three months have been a profound journey of awakening like I’ve never experienced before, diving deep with master teacher plants.

With every step, I surrender more fully, awakening and evolving on this sacred journey.

After my last two Dietas in August and October, I am now gradually returning and integrating this transformative process.

As I embody this experience, I’m filled with awe and deep gratitude for the transformation unfolding within me.

Returning to the jungle in October for my second dieta in three months, I am reaffirmed in the understanding that this is a lifelong path of awakening and profound transformation.

The plant spirits guide me deeper, unlocking parts of myself with each cycle. It’s not a ritual, but a sacred unfolding that asks for trust, surrender, and the willingness to transform forever.

There’s a Buddhist saying that when you’re ready, the teacher appears. I feel that’s what it’s like with master teacher plants. A bizarre series of synchronistic circumstances got you to a new very, very big step.

Calling on plant allies might seem unusual, but in ancient cultures, it’s a sacred practice.

The spirit plants don’t come lightly—they ask for your full surrender, and in return, they offer teachings that reshape you at the deepest level.

Ayahuma, for example, demands a lifelong commitment, asking you to release pork forever in exchange for its profound wisdom.

My August dieta was a call to surrender deeper, setting the stage for the profound unfolding that followed.

My October dieta expanded me in ways I never expected. I met plants whose presence I had never imagined, yet their wisdom was precisely what I needed.

During my last Dieta, Maestra Toé and Maestro Sanango entered – Not through physical consumption, but through an energetic presence that reverberated very deep within me.

Their arrival unlocked hidden pathways within, sparking beautiful shifts in the 3D world I never imagined, reshaping everything around me.

Brugmansia (Toé) is one of the master plant teachers used in the initiation of an apprentice, knows for being deliriant. Unlike Ayahuasca, Mother Toé, is taken rarely.

Every part of the plant is toxic, seeping alkaloids like atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. It’s an incredible powerful spirit plant but the actual ingestion of Brugmansia is often times considered dangerous as it can lead to madness or death.

A popular painted textile of the Shipibo people of the Ucayali basin shows the Toé plant growing along the bodies of two snakes, one red and one black, connected by a rainbow.

The title of the painting is “The Path of Day and Night,” highlighting the widespread perception of Toé in indigenous Amazonia as a plant with astonishing but ambiguous powers, often associated with witchcraft and sorcery.

Though I didn’t directly ingest the plant, the spirit of this teacher was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced – it entered me, shaking my very core and illuminating truths I couldn’t have imagined.

The power of this plant’s presence reshaped my entire being and unlocked realms that go beyond words.

It’s one of the most potent feminine forces I’ve ever experienced, reshaping my path in ways I am only beginning to understand.

The energetic presence of Mama Toe and Maestro Sanango reached deep into the heart of who I am.

Their wisdom ignites the path I was born to walk —guided by deep purpose, responsibility, and grace, a path I’ve chosen to fully embrace and lead with intention.

To honor these teachings is to move with clarity and intention, carrying them forward with strength and gratitude. This journey continues to unfold, revealing its depth and power with every step. As I rise, I am reshaped by these lessons, grounded in trust and ready for what comes next.

Maestra Bobinsana, with her gentle medicine, held me in her embrace, guiding me through a sacred closure as the new spirit plants, Toé and Chiric Sanango, called me forward into new teachings.

Slowly, I am emerging, reshaped by their ancient wisdom, stepping into a new version of myself.

For those who hear the plants’ call, trust the journey.

The rewards—wisdom, healing, truth—are beyond imagination. These sacred teachers guide us home, with infinite love and grace.

Love, always.
