Tap Into Your Authentic Feminine Power
Learning to tune into your own Shakti is life-changing.
“Shakti means power, energy, or force” is my answer to the question I get asked the most often: “What does Shakti mean?”
Shakti is described as feminine and often personified as the goddess Devi, the divine feminine consort of the divine masculine god Shiva.
But at the deepest level, Shakti transcends gender.
In Indian tradition as well as in Taoism, Shakti refers to “Chi” or “Qi” and it represents the primary life force that acts as the fundamental creative & sensual dynamism giving the rise to universes.
And yet, there’s an aspect of Shakti that remains hidden until it is awakened.. and it is where true healing & the art of self-mastery lies:
Shakti that specifically governs our evolution.
Over the past 10 years, I became a diligent student of my Inner Shakti. I discovered that this subtle energy could manifest somatically and psychologically in many different ways.
My daily practice became all about unfollowing + unlearning a set technique and instead learning how to tune more into what my inner and outer bodies + energy seemed to need at the time.
Over the years, I’ve pinpointed a number of trauma-sensitive, highly transformative practices that are key to harnessing Shakti to work with difficult emotions or life issues.
Healing from dissociative disorders, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PTSD and ultimately from (what I have identified as….)
Womb Fragmentation
that requires Ancestral Womb Healing + Somatic Experiencing Therapy to heal the inner wounds deeply rooted in your physical, energetic and emotional bodies.
SE (Somatic Experiencing), Tantra and Ovarian Breathwork, Taoist Healing and the 5 Elements Meditation, sensual somatic movement, sensual touch therapy, symbols and progressive questioning, mantras and voice therapy techniques are some of the techniques being part of my therapeutic approach,
& that I have blended in the Shakti Awakening 3-months program.
Feel free to reach out for any questions.
Love, Eleonora