Feel, heal, expand.
Bobinsana & Rose Soft Diet
I had the privilege to connect in great depth with her in the jungle of Peru throughout the years of my Master Plants Diets.
The very first time I've dieted Bobinsana in the Amazon jungle was about 4 years ago.
After that dieta, my heart was filled with deep gratitude for the incredible work that was accomplished.
From that moment, I've felt compelled to dive deeper and explore more in depth.
She showered me with selfless love, service and compassion.
I learned her chants, did short and long-term dieting, learned the mythology behind her...
such a gentle, supportive and loving teacher.
Rose is another great heart healer. She encourages softness, sensuality and compassion.
I am honored to be facilitating Bosinsana and Rose Soft Dietas.
It can be a either 11 or 21 days online soft dieta.
A gentle, feminine approach to the shamanic rites of passage of a full master plant dieta.